Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery options Help (client)

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Access the License Activation page

You can access the License Activation page when you activate a Fiery option.
  1. In Command WorkStation Job Center, right-click a spooled or processed job.
  2. Select the Fiery option to be activated.
  3. Click Activate License in the Manage Fiery Options window to open the License Activation page.
After a Fiery option is activated, access the License Activation page in any of the following ways:
  • Open the Fiery option and click Help > Manage License.
  • In the Fiery Option Package license notifications, click the Activate License link. For more information, see License notifications.

The License Activation page opens in your default web browser. From the License Activation page, manage licenses, view license History, and access Advanced Settings.